Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Table Mountain Inauguration

It took 3 years for South Africa to campaign for Table Mountain to be one of the Seven Wonders of Nature, and people all over the world started voting for this wonderful landmark.

The official inauguration of Table Mountain as one of the New 7 Wonders of Nature will take place in December 2012 and South Africa is gearing up to celebrate Table Mountain’s success, based on the results announced at the N7W headquarters in Zurich on 11/11/11.

It was among the best six other Wonders of Nature such as Amazon Rainforest, Halong Bay, Iguazu Falls, Jeju Island dormant volcano in South Korea, Komodo and Puerto Pricensa the Underground River in Phillipines.
There are two forms of reaching the summit of the Table Mountain, either take a short-cut i.e. using cable car that travels at 6km/h and rotate in order to maximize your view of Cape Town.
If you are fit enough then your two series (i.e. feet) might come handy to propell you to the top or just have someone to put you on his shoulders and enjoy the ride. The safe route to follow is well marked from the foot of the mountain and some guidelines for your own safety. There are rangers with dogs as well that ensure the safety of all the nature lovers, while hiking the mountain.
Along the route, you come across hikers of various age, all with one goal to reach the top of the mountain.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Lion's Head in Cape Town

On my recent visit to the Mother City as some refers Cape Town to, had the opportunity to go to the Table Mountain for the first time i.e. one of the 7 wonders of the world. Even though wanted to walk up and down the mountain but adviced by the officials NOT to do so, since it was misty and drizzling. Then had to settle for the cable car, but even though, still had the desire to walk.

Then on the other side of the Table mountain, there stood the "Lion's Head" as refer to by The Dutch, however, felt that the mountain's shape resembled a crouching lion and eventually settled on Leeuwen Kop (Lion's Head).

Then the Lion's Head Mountain that stands 669 meters above the sea level, does it resemble the male lion's head... 
Hiking the Lion's Head
I met different types of adventurous people along the way, young and old, some coming down and others still on their way to the top of the Lion's Head. Some just enjoying the scenery and
 Others being greeted by the mountain's residents..
Dave's Family I met along the way to the top of the mountain...
Halfway to the top, the view of Cape Town is just breathtaking...
On top of the Lion's Head Mountain, you have the 360 view of Cape Town. All the beautiful beaches, Robben Island, Sea Point and the Table Mountain etc.
Robben Island
Table Mountain
People enjoying the breeze from the sea

Taking the well deserved break after long walk to the top


Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Gauteng or Gautrain

What do these two names have in common, if your answer was fast life or fast lane that's true. Think of the  quickest way of travelling between Joburg and Pretoria without the speed fine. The answer is simple, aboard the Gautrain, no siren or blue light on your tail not even sitting on the traffic...
All that is required on your part, is to get yourself in one the station by bus or self-drive and enjoy the ride...

Whether business or...
Pleasure, it is indeed for "For The People On The Move"

Monday, April 30, 2012

A country we take for granted - South Africa

Despite all the negativity that the world has concerning South Africa, but it is a beautiful country. Just located at the tip of Africa with its vast beautiful plains, wildlife, people etc. Thousands of tourists still come in numbers to visit South Africa, why? Because it is a perfect getaway...

Well, let me share what some of the visitors attractions to South Africa: our warm coastlines, wildlife, landscapes and mostly the diverse cultures of people. The beauty of a sleeping lioness, what a majestic cat. Having patience and spending time with the subject of interest, you get rewarded with great shots.

While sleeping the lioness looks peaceful, until she locks her eyes on the prey (in this case it was me), and all that changes...
Kruger National Park - one of the South Africa's most visited park where dedicated men and women risk their lives to protect our wildlife at its natural habitat. Like the field ranger riding a bike below to his patrol spot, something that requires a lot of bravery and dedication.

Fighting the scourge of poaching that is affecting the whole of Africa including South Africa. Makes you think, what would be the population of the rhinos in the wild in the next 10 years.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Captured With Passion & Precision

WAP photographs in the following categories:
Portraiture – encompass family portraits, children, weddings and social events.
Macro photography – close-up photos of subjects like insects, flowers etc.
A honey bee collecting necta, and I couldn't resist capturing this moment...
• Action photography – like sports, birds or animals in the wild
• Street photography – documenting life as lived by ordinary people going about their daily lives
• Travel photography – capturing the essence of a place and its people, which may include architectural photography
Capital City Of South Africa
Unisa at night with Lukasrand Tower at the background ...

Friday, January 27, 2012

Somewhere Out There

When a sun set in the west it leaves behind beautiful silhouette of different objects...all you need is to capture that moment.